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Filmhub Standard Delivery Package

Each standard delivery package contains one (1) title, which can be a Single Work or a Show (with all its Seasons and Episodes).


H.264, high Constant Quality in .mp4 container. Maximum 1920x1080, original aspect ratio, no padding, progressive. AAC stereo audio, 192 kbps. Trailer included where available.


We deliver at least three images: 2:3 (1400x2100), 3:4 (1575x2100) and 16:9 (1920x1080). Where available, we also deliver images in 16:6, 4:3 and 2:1. For Series/Shows, we only deliver series-level images, not episode-specific images.

Text Tracks

All available languages as SRT, UTF-8 encoded.


The CSV format is a human-friendly way to easily transmit Movie or Show metadata. It's also machine-readable.

That's why we deliver one CSV metadata file per title, which includes SKU, name, description, genres, ratings, country, language, cast & crew, running time, avails, search tags and assets names for both Movies and Shows. Episode-specific information is also included. The data is column-separated horizontally making it easy to import straight into any spreadsheet editor.


Column Header Name Movie Data (Example)
A Template Description Filmhub Metadata 3.0 Movies & Shows
B Program Type Movie
C Template Version 3.0
D Movie/Show Filmhub SKU 0004-9498
E Movie/Show Title Tears of Steel
F Movie/Show Synopsis
In an apocalyptic future, a group of soldiers and scientists takes refuge in Amsterdam to try to stop an army of robots that threatens the planet.
G Movie/Show Sales Pitch
Short film made in Amsterdam the Netherlands by the Blender Institute, well known for realizing the open source short animation movies “Big Buck Bunny” and “Sintel”. Crowdfunded, it uses a complete open-source pipeline for producing a high-quality visual effect film.
H Genre Action/Adventure
I Festivals
Ars Electronica, Seattle International Film Festival, Future Film Festival, Bologna Italy, Webcuts Festival, Berlin, Germany, International Melzo File Festival, Melzo, Italy, Nordic CC Film Festival, Stockholm, Sweden
J Cast
Derek de Lint, Sergio Hasselbaink, Rogier Schippers, Vanja Rukavina, Denise Rebergen, Jody Bhe, Chris Haley, Daan van 't Einde
K Director(s) Ian Hubert
L Writer(s) Ian Hubert
M Producer(s) Ton Roosendaal
N Movie Running Time 12
O Production Year 2012
P Country of Origin Netherlands
T Original Spoken Language English
U Production Company Blender Institute
V Copyright 2012 Blender Institute
W Studio Filmhub
X IMDb ID tt2285752
Y IMDb Link https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2285752
Z Rating System TVPG
AA Rating TV-PG
AB Voluntary Rating(s) Language
AC Tag(s)
Amsterdam, End of the World, Rescue, Science, Warrior, apocalyptic, boyfriend and girlfriend, break-up, futuristic, memory, prosthesis, prosthetic, robot, science fiction
AD Movie Chapters/Ad Breaks 00:00:00:00,00:08:00:00,00:11:00:00
AE Avail Type(s) avod, svod
AF Avail Start 2024-02-02
AG Avail End 2030-12-31
AH Avail Countries Included AR,AU,BA,CA,DE,JO,MN,NL,NG,PE,SA,SD,TN,US
AI Avail Countries Excluded  
AJ Movie Filename 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_main.mp4
AK Movie Audio Type Stereo
AL Trailer Yes
AM Trailer Audio Type Stereo
AN Trailer Filename 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_trailer.mp4
AO Movie Subtitles/Captions Languages en, de, ja, ru, da, cs, hr, fr, es, nl, es
AP Movie Subtitles/Captions Types
AT Movie Subtitles/Captions Filenames
0004-9498_tears_of_steel_en.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_de.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_ja.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_ru.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_da.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_cs.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_hr.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_fr.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_es.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_nl.srt, 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_es.srt
AU Key Art 2:3 Filename 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_2x3.jpg
AV Key Art 3:4 Filename 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_3x4.jpg
AW Key Art 16:9 Filename 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_16x9.jpg
AX Textless Hero 16:9 Filename 0004-9498_tears_of_steel_16x9_textless.jpg
AY Other Key Art Filenames

We may also provide the same metadata in YAML format.

File Naming

All files are delivered into a folder named SKU_title_name_Delivery #

  • Single Work: {SKU}_{Title_Name}_main.mp4

  • Episodes: {Season#}_{Episode#}_{Episode_SKU}_{Episode_Name}_main.mp4

  • Trailer: {SKU}_{Title_Name}_trailer.mp4

  • Images: {SKU}_{Title_Name}_{Type}.jpg "Type" corresponds to images in the files section of the metadata file, for example landscape_16x9.

  • Captions: {SKU}_{Title_Name}_{Language_Code}.srt

  • Metadata: {SKU}_{Title_Name}_metadata.csv


Here's the complete list of Primary Genres:








Informational & Educational


Music & Performances


Reality Show


Sport & Fitness



