Schedule: Channel Performance & Payment Timelines

View expected performance payment timelines across Channels

In this guide:

  • What is the Schedule?
  • How do I read the Schedule?

What is the Schedule?

We list each Channel's respective reporting and payment details in the Schedule on your Dashboard.

Using the Schedule to Understand When Performance Reports Are Posted



How do I read the Schedule?

  • The Period column is the watch period that the Channel reports are based on. Some are monthly, some are quarterly.

  • The Performance column shows when we expect the Channel to share initial Performance reports in the number of days after the end of the Watch Period. We upload all reports to Performance within 5 business days once received.

  • The Payment column shows when we expect the Channel to pay Filmhub for the corresponding report in the number of days after the end of the Watch Period.

  • Earnings Received by Filmhub shows the Quarter in which Filmhub received the payment for the given watch period.

    • The Schedule is color-coded by quarter.

Please note: Channels are sometimes late in their reporting and payment. Filmhub has an entire team dedicated to acting as your collections agent for Channels. We are equally aligned here as we only get paid when you get paid.