Changelog: Product Updates

Updates from Filmhub's Product Team on new features, fixes, and improvements to your Dashboard

In this guide:

Changelog Overview

To ensure our clients are up-to-date with changes and developments related to the Filmhub Dashboard, we provide a "Changelog" of updates directly within each client's Dashboard.

Whenever we release a new feature, deploy a fix to an issue, or make an improvement to an existing feature, our Product Team will notify you through the changelog with a description and explanation of the update. 

We want to make sure you're taking advantage of all the new features and tools that our team is rolling out so you get the most out of your Filmhub Dashboard.

Update Descriptions

  • New - A new feature has been released and is available for use within your Filmhub Dashboard.
  • Fix - A bug fix has been deployed to resolve an issue within the Dashboard.
  • Improvement - An update has been made to an existing feature which is now available for use.

Accessing The Updates

You can access the changelog directly from the sidebar navigation. 
Additionally, the 'Eyecatcher' widget, which highlights unread updates, will show next to it. By clicking the number, you'll pull up the 'Latest changes' list where you can select each alert to learn more about the update. 

You can also access a chronological list of the most recent product updates on our Changelog.