How do I create a top-quality video master?

Make your film and show look awesome

We at Filmhub are quality fanatics. You'll want your Film or Show to look the best to your audience all Channels.

We're not an "Online Video" site. Please don't submit a "YouTube output". Treat us like a digital movie theater film festival, TV network, or film festival.

Here’s how to create the perfect video output to upload:

Upload only Broadcast / Film Festival Grade Masters.

To export, use only ProRes HQ or DNxHR HQ, and PCM audio. These are production codecs. Preferably no H.264. Definitely, no presets with YouTube or Vimeo, please.

Debating if you submit 1080p or 4K? Go for the 4K! We want the best.

Size doesn't matter - the bigger, the better*. As a rule of thumb, a 90 min movie should be 100 GB or more. It might take a few hours, or even a day or more to upload. That’s ok (and still easier, safer, and faster than FedEx'ing hard drives)! We built technology for this. Uploads will not fail, and you can resume anytime if needed.

*Please also read our Video requirements.