Video & Audio Requirements

Video and Audio Requirements for Passing QC (Quality Control)

Submit your video in the highest quality available. We love 4K files. Learn more.

Video Codec

The title must meet Filmhub’s Compression Requirements (Learn More)


  • Apple ProRes 422 & 422 HQ (not LT, Proxy, 4444, XQ or any other)

  • Avid DNxHR (SQ & up)

  • Avid DNxHD (min. 145 for 1080p, 80 for 720p, 60 for SD)

Potentially Acceptable:

  • H.264, min. 2 MBit/s for SD, 15 MBit/s for HD, 50 MBit/s for UHD/4k.

  • H.265, min. 2 MBit/s for SD, 15 MBit/s for HD, 50 MBit/s for UHD/4k

  • MPEG-2,

  • DV, DVCAM, DVCPRO, and variants

File Types

  • .mpg
  • .mpeg
  • .mov
  • .mp4
  • .ts
  • .mkv
  • .ogg


  • Max. 2 sec before the program starts and 2 sec after the program ends. No color bars, slate, MPAA/FBI cards, test-tone, pre-roll, or post-roll
  • The video must start and end on at least 1 black frame
  • No burned-in subtitles throughout (Exception: Trailer - see below). Partial burned-in subtitles are acceptable for mixed-language or inaudible dialogue. See Caption Requirements.
  • Not interlaced (Learn more)
  • No blended frames, ghosting (Learn more)
  • No padding, letterboxing, pillarboxing.
  • No watermark or logo burned-in throughout
  • No URLs or promos (e.g. websites, "coming soon" or similar, release dates, available to download/stream, Facebook or other social media/streaming platform mentions, or other promotional references)
  • Sample Aspect Ratio (SAR) must have 1:1 square pixels (Learn more)
  • No Duplicate frames (we only allow occasional duplicate frames due to the use of mixed media)
  • No squeezed/stretched videos. The correct aspect ratio should be used throughout.
  • No cropped elements (especially text)
  • No output errors (missing media info, dropouts, corrupt frames, etc.)


  • Minimum width we accept is 640 pixels and the pixel width and height must always be even numbers
  • Always upload the original source resolution. Do not upscale or downscale.

Frame rates

  • Original framerate: 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94, or 60. Do not convert framerate unless the source is not a supported one.
  • Avoid duplicated frames and blended frames.


Audio Codec

  • PCM: minimum 48 kHz 16 Bit
  • AAC, or MP3: minimum 128 kbps (stereo)
  • AC-3: minimum 192 kbps (stereo)


  • Audio levels should be around a minimum of -24 LUFS
  • No Clipping
  • No Phasing
  • No Distortion
  • No Dropouts, ticks, pops, etc.
  • The mix must be center-balanced, especially the dialogue.

Channel layout:

  • Stereo (Lt Rt) is required. We also support any additional audio stream and channel configuration including all surround formats. With surround audio, discrete Lt Rt audio is required in addition.
  • If the title is or was ever available in surround, we require surround plus Lt Rt tracks.


In addition to the Video & Audio requirements above (Video Codec, Resolution, etc.):

  • Burned-in subtitles throughout English audio trailers are not allowed
  • Burned-in English subtitles are required for non-English dialogue
  • Max. 6 min, recommended 2.5 mins or less
  • You can submit an excerpt of 2 minutes of your title if you do not have a standard trailer, please label the file excerpt_titlename
  • To maximize exposure for your title, we recommend avoiding content that includes nudity, sex, language, drugs, or violence, since some channels will not include trailers with these content rating concerns.
  • If your trailer does not pass our QC, it will be deleted as many channels do not require a trailer, and we can still pitch your title without a trailer or use an excerpt as a trailer in some instances.  If your trailer is deleted and you would like to submit a new trailer to QC, please contact us using the Contact button on the bottom right of this page.