Performance: Analyzing My Performance

How to read and understand the Performance page.

In this guide:

Performance Overview

  • Performance reports are estimated earnings of what your title has generated on a specific Channel during a specific time period (check the 'Schedule' to learn when Channels report.)
  • Filmhub processes performance reports as frequently as weekly for select Channels when provided. 
  • Performance is updated frequently with new data imports so we recommend checking back often.
  • Filmhub typically receives Performance reports from Channels prior to them sending payments.

How Performance is Calculated

  • To create the Performance metrics in your account, we collect and normalize reports from Channels.
    • Check the Schedule to learn when Channels report.
  • Each Channel calculates Performance and payments differently based on its associated Licensing Type.
  • Once we receive new raw data, we consolidate it into Reports on your Performance page.
    • Performance data is shown as amounts net (after) Filmhub’s revenue share.
  • Verified Earnings and Reports often will not be equal as actual payments received from channels often don’t match the initial reports due to bank transfer fees, refunds, foreign conversion fees, etc.

How to Utilize Performance Reports

  • Performance reports allow you to see how your title is performing on Channels before payments are sent to Filmhub.
  • As the rights holder of a licensed Movie or Show, you want to know how audiences engage with your titles across all Channels as soon as possible. 
  • Performance can show high-level trends. It is particularly useful for tracking the success of marketing efforts and promotions.
    • Want to see if a sponsored Facebook post increased views on Tubi for June? Now, you can see the results at a glance by filtering by the Channel, Title, and Date.

Performance Page Overview

Key Performance Metrics

Towards the top of the Performance page, you will see two key metrics:

  1. Verified Earnings: Earnings that have been verified and transferred.
  2. Reports: The total estimated performance amounts reported to Filmhub for your Titles.

Performance Graph

  • Once your title begins receiving 'Reports' from the Channels it has been licensed to, the graph on this page will display gray bars representing the estimated reports.
  • Once Earnings have been Verified & Transferred, each bar will automatically update and turn green to indicate Verified Earnings.
  • Once your earnings are verified, your Statements will be updated. 

Different Ways to View Your Performance

Performance Filters

  • At the top of your Performance page, you can filter by specific title(s), channel(s), and/or one or more countries
  • As well as filtering by a Monthly or Quarterly view:
  • Separately, you can filter by a custom month range

Performance Tables

  • Title Performance shows you the total performance reported by Title for the applied filters
  • Channel Performance shows you the total performance reported by Channel for the applied filters
  • Country Performance shows you the total performance reported by Country for the applied filters

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When do I get Paid?

  • Funds are made available for you to Verify & Transfer as soon as the Channels pay Filmhub according to the Schedule, which shows timelines for expected performance reporting and historical and planned payments.

Q: What does 'Not Reported' mean in the Country table?

  • Some Channels do not report country-level details, so we mark them as Not Reported.

Q: Why are my Reports a different amount than my Verified Earnings?

Q: I Verified & Transferred my earnings but I still see gray bars on my Performance graph. Why can't I access these funds?

  • If you've successfully Verified & Transferred your earnings but are still seeing a discrepancy between your Verified Earnings and Reports, it means that Filmhub has yet to receive payments for those amounts.
  • Check the Schedule page to see the timelines for expected performance reporting and historical and planned payments from Channels.