Catalog Import Requirements

Technical specifications for large catalogs to upload titles into the Filmhub ecosystem

In this guide:

Asset Requirements

Asset Description

Accepted file extension

Video Native framerate/resolution, low compression rate.
ProRes 422 HQ preferred
mov, mp4
Text Track English-language, includes lyrics and SDH

srt, scc

Artwork Poster-style art in each required aspect

jpg, png, psd

Documents E&O Insurance, Music Cue Sheet, Clearances or Chain of Title pdf, xlsx, docx

Review the Catalog Import: Best Practices before delivering any files.

Metadata & Avails

Metadata & Avails Template

  • We require complete and unique data on each title to import a library. Use this template and follow the guidelines below for each sheet. One movie, show, season, and episode per row.

Provide as complete metadata as possible for each title. Map titles to the paths of their assets in the file delivery in final columns.


Provide the total Season and Episode count, as well as asset mappings to the paths in the file delivery.

Seasons List all seasons of each show in this sheet and fill out the unique data. Seasons require a parent show, name, description, release date, and one 16:9 artwork.
Episodes Episodes also have unique data: Parent season and show, name, description, release date, a textless 16:9 art, and a Main video and Caption file.

Folder Structure & Naming Convention

When preparing assets for delivery, organize the files into a package for each title. Each package should contain only and all assets unique to its title, organized into relevant subfolders, if necessary. Use these guidelines while packaging your assets. A sample package structure is shown in the screenshot.


One title per folder

Each unique title should have its own folder on the root directory of your delivery, each containing all assets related to the title. There should be no assets outside of these folders.

Use standard alphanumeric characters only

Avoid using accented characters, spaces, and punctuation other than "-" or "_".

Include brief descriptors in file names

Files of the same type (video, artwork, text) should have brief descriptors of the asset's nature in addition to its name.

  • Video files should be labeled "main", "trailer", etc. Language, frame size, and codec/compression info are also common data points to include in the filename.
  • Caption files should be labeled with a language code and time text type, like "forced", "closed captions", or "subtitles".
  • Artwork files should be labeled with their aspect ratio. See this article for required art sizes.