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Plans & Pricing
Explore our Core, Plus, and Pro plans
Filmhub provides complete distribution for your movie or show without any upfront costs, expenses, or deductions.
Plans are universal across our Producer, Distributor, and Sales Agent clients. Plans do not affect your title's ability to generate revenue; all titles still receive the same care from our team.
Plan | Core | Plus | Pro |
For clients who want | to maximize earnings and distribution | advanced tools, services, and analytics | dedicated service and advanced release strategies |
Filmhub Dashboard | X | X | X |
Quality Control | X | X | X |
Asset Delivery | X | X | X |
Performance Tracking | X | X | X |
Royalty Collections | X | X | X |
Windowing Avails | X | X | X |
Amazon Insights | X | X | X |
Tubi Insights | X | X | |
Prioritized QC Review | X | X | |
Channel Blocking | X | X | |
Custom Studio Name | X | X | |
Performance Ranking | X | X | |
Online Chat w/ Acquisitions | X | ||
Dedicated Acquisitions Executive | X | ||
Scheduled Release Dates | 1/yr Included | ||
Title Updates | Paid Service | 5/yr Included | 10/yr Included |
Title Re-Delivery | Paid Service | 5/yr Included | 10/yr Included |
Professional Services | List Price | List Price | 25% Discount |
Email Response Time | 3-5 Business Days | 2-3 Business Days | 1-2 Business Days |
Your Revenue Share | 80% | 80% | 80% |
Pricing | $0/mo | $299/quarter or $999/yr | $599/quarter or $1999/yr |
Get Started | Click Here | Login to Upgrade | Login to Upgrade |